Women's Resource Center

Womens Resource Center








Land Acknowledgement Statement

This land on which we inhabit is physically situated in the original ancestral homelands of the The Wea Peoples of the Miami Tribe of Indiana. The Wea were a Miami-Illinois originally located in western Indiana and part of the larger Illinois Confederation. We pay respect to the Miami Tribe (Delaware, Kickapoo, Miami, Mound Builders, Piankashaw, Potawatomi, Shawnee, and Wea), past, present, and future, 以及Wea民族在他们的家园和历史上的散居中继续存在. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.

This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well. 没有他们,我们就无法参加这次会议和对话. 我们借此机会感谢并尊重这片土地最初的守护者.


The Women's Resource Center (WRC) strives to empower, educate, 为所有性别认同和表达的人创造一个安全的空间.  WRC支持女性在校园和社区内的包容性. 妇女资源中心的使命是表彰各种各样的成就, promote the interests, 并帮助满足电子游戏试玩女性的需求.  这是通过提供讨论论坛来实现的, information dissemination, 以及庆祝和促进妇女及其盟友的节目.

WRC的教育内容涉及性别、关系和性别多样性的所有问题. Our programs comes from a place of intersectionality, 理解性别问题不能与其他社会身份分开, such as race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, etc. 

All programs are free and open to the public. 有关妇女资源中心(WRC)研究生助理布里安娜·皮尔斯的更多信息,请访问 bpierce7@sycamores.theufowebring.com.

TEDxIndianaStateUniversity - 2021年12月6日-即将发布的演讲链接.


Bre Pierce

Mini-bio: Bre Pierce (She/They) is a recent graduate of Indiana State University for her Bachelor’s in Science. 他们正在继续他们的教育,因为他们正在攻读通信硕士学位. 她在多元文化服务和项目办公室工作, as the Women’s Resource Graduate Assistant. 他们喜欢和别人谈论心理健康的重要话题, disability awareness, and LGBTQ+ rights. 在她的本科工作中,她是ISU的Sycamore安全区协调员. Bre worked to facilitate and coordinate allyship events around campus in order to make the environment more loving and open for all students. Bre has enjoyed every minute of coordinating this Tedx event and she is so excited for everyone’s stories to be heard!

Speakers (complete bio and description link here)

Dr. Tameka Ellington 

Mini-bio: Dr. 塔梅卡·艾灵顿在俄亥俄州克利夫兰市中心长大,由一位单身母亲抚养长大. Her father was absent due to alcoholism and drug use which eventually landed him in a 15-year prison sentence. Despite the violence and crime surrounding her, Dr. Tameka always strived for excellence. 

Title: 《电子游戏试玩》

Presentation Description: 因为我们出生了,所以我们应该得到生活所提供的一切. BEING deserving is our birthright; however, FEELING deserving is impacted by our mindset. The conditioning of our mindset begins at birth, the environment in which one is raised, the influences of societal standards, and the generational curses that we often carry. 这次演讲将带着TEDx的观众们踏上一段. 塔梅卡的生活从贫寒的城市出身到国际知名的学者. 

Elynor Head

Mini-bio: Elynor Head attends Indiana State University and currently is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Geology.  She is a part of the Honors College and has been able to get involved in student research at a relatively young age. 埃利诺目前正在古湖泊学研究实验室研究拉克维乌兹沙漠的硅藻. She is highly interested in space exploration and plans to pursue a career as a planetary geologist.                                                                           

Title: Diatoms

Presentation Description: Paleolimnology is the study of lakes and lake sediment and as an undergraduate researcher I use diatoms to piece the climate history of lakes together. By researching diatoms, 我们可以了解湖泊过去的环境条件. 

Stephanie Bertoli

Mini-bio: Stephanie Bertoli is a homeschooling mom to three little ones by day and a running coach/women's health advocate by night. Prior to becoming a mother, she earned her BS in Exercise Science, MS in Sport Management, was a collegiate athlete, and collegiate track and field coach.

Title: 美国盆底健康:一个女人的故事

Presentation Description: Studies have shown that as many as 1 in 3 women will experience some form of pelvic floor dysfunction within their lifetime. 它触及人们生活的方方面面——但它不会危及生命, it can be life diminishing. In many cases it can be both preventable and treatable, yet so many do not receive the help that they truly need. 

JoEllen Henson

Mini-bio: JoEllen Henson is the Field Director for both the BSW and MSW programs as well as a Multi-Year Faculty Instructor for the Department of Social Work at Indiana State University.  Ms. 汉森是印第安纳州和伊利诺伊州的持证社会工作者. Ms. Henson is currently enrolled in the Doctorate of Health Sciences program at Indiana State University.  Prior to beginning her work in academia, Ms. 汉森在伊利诺伊州做了26年的学校社工 

Title: Everyone has a story to tell

Presentation Description: 我想分享我的故事——我目前是如何朝着我的终身目标努力的, 即使它可能比最初计划的要晚一些! My message is one of never giving up-staying true to yourself and your personal ambitions and dreams, regardless of the roadblocks that life puts in your way!

Dr. Malynnda Johnson

Mini-bo: Dr. Malynnda Johnson is an associate professor in the department of communication teaching mostly in the areas of health communication and media studies. 她于2012年在威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校获得博士学位. 她也是遗传咨询项目的副项目主任. 

Title: The Power of Laughter

Presentation Description: From Patch Adams to Gallows Humor being able to laugh has been found time and time again to provide medical benefits. Humor is found to not only help a person’s mental health but also in the physical healing process. Humor can help normalize our ability to discuss medical issues while modeling discussions we should be having with partners, providers, and family members. However, there are important questions to consider.

Dr. Lucy Campbell

Mini-bio: Dr. 露西坎贝尔担任学术事务学院研究员. She works with the Office of the Provost and Admissions. Her primary responsibilities are helping designing materials and reaching out to students and families who identify as Hispanic/Latino, 在高中和校园里与ISU的招生人员一起工作. Dr. 坎贝尔是语言、文学和语言学系的西班牙语讲师. She was born and raised in Colombia, South America. 

Title: “La disciplina es el camino a la felicidad”

Presentation Description: "自律是通往幸福之路"以及我作为西班牙裔移民的职业生涯.

Katherine Pine

Mini-bio: Katherine Pine is a Senior Instructor at Indiana State University and teaches online for Ivy Tech Community College. 她教授公共传播、人际关系和媒体制作. 

Title: The Alpha Female

Presentation Description: 我的主题是鼓励女性领袖观念的回归. I recently presented on how the term alpha females came into use and were discussed in the 1900's. 女性被认为自信、稳重、缺乏自卑感. The alpha woman self-identifies as both conventional (nurturing and caring) and unconventional (independent and successful).

Hailee Lauritzen

Bio: Hailee Lauritzen, D.H.Sc.c, MSW, LSW Hailee Lauritzen is a licensed social worker, 同时也是电子游戏试玩社会工作系的讲师. Ms. Lauritzen completed a master’s degree in social work at Michigan State University in 2008 and is currently a doctoral candidate at Indiana State University in Health Sciences. Since 2008, Ms. 劳里岑是一名治疗师,为遭受性虐待/性侵犯的妇女和儿童提供治疗.

Title: Imposter Syndrome

Presentation Description: 我的TEDx演讲将集中在冒名顶替现象(IP)或更常见的称为, 冒名顶替综合症(IS),以及为什么许多高成就女性与这个概念作斗争, despite countless records of success. Research shows Imposter Syndrome is a common barrier for highly educated professionals who remain in the shadows for fear they don't have the ability to reach higher goals. This TEDx talk will briefly define imposter syndrome, as well as common characteristics often seen affiliated. It will also address potential impacts and barriers of successful work and finally helpful tips to overcoming it.

Dr. Brittney Millspaugh-Storms 

Mini-bio: Dr. Brittney Millspaugh-Storms, PT, DPT, MBA, NCS completed her BA in biology with an emphasis in molecular biology and genetics from Anderson University, 并在西南浸会大学获得博士和硕士学位. She has since go on to become certified in women’s and pelvic health as well as become a board certified clinical specialist in neurology. 她目前在电子游戏试玩担任全职助理教授. She also continues to take patients and practice at the ISU Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation clinic on ISU’s campus.  

Sarah Tobias

Mini-bio: 2010年莎拉·托拜厄斯从克莱城高中毕业后, she attended the University of Southern Indiana. Tobias received a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (non-licensure) and a minor in Art Education. She enjoys her job as one of the Assistant Toddler Teachers at ISU’s Early Childhood Education Center while simultaneously trying to balance living with a rare and invisible disease.

Title: My Rare Invisible Disease…From Bitter to Better

Presentation Description: This presentation will give you one person’s perspective of what it was like to live with an undiagnosed disease and what it is like to live with a rare and invisible disease. Sarah Tobias will share with you the positive and encouraging life lessons she has learned throughout this journey.


TEDxIndianaStateUniversity - November 2020

感谢您参加2020年11月19日的TEDx活动! We appreciate your participation. The videos of our speakers can be found on YouTube by searching "TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen", inputting the title, or clicking on the links provided below. You can also find the program attached to this message.  

有超过300人参加,我们能够为我们未来的TEDx活动设定更高的标准, so keep an eye out for more information. 请点赞来表达你对我们社区女性的支持, sharing, and commenting on the videos. 



并非所有的伤口都看得见|布雷·皮尔斯| TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen

Throughout life, we experience things that make us happy, make us confused, make us angry, and sometimes makes us scarred. 当所有这些可怕的经历积累起来时,创伤就开始形成. 有时候,你没有意识到过去发生的所有事情都伤害了你, 直到你开始审视你的过去以及它是如何发生的 ...


女性:这个世界之外的变革推动者| Elynor Head | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


Do women really support each other at work? | Maryem Salam | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


克服风险因素| Amanda Muhammad | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


Developing Leaders for LGBTQIAP+ Advocacy | Melissa McCollister | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


自由职业世界的潜规则| Lexie Signor | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


展示真实的自我| Bahareh Javadizadeh | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen



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Hulman Memorial Student Union

7th Floor
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Phone: 812-237-2877
Fax: 812-237-8774

Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Resource Center Hours
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM